February 29th 2016: It’s a Leap Day and people are freaking out about it. By 3pm on February 29th over 330,000 people had tweeted about Leap day, the Washington Post published a special article about food and drinks deals centered around this one day and the person at the grocery store even wished us a “Happy Leap Day!” with more vigor than I had seen from anyone in the past week. This leads me to confusion and the question: Why does it take a Leap Day every four years for us to truly celebrate having more time?
Everyday we save or make time, whether it be four minutes commuting because we used Waze, nine minutes in the morning because we got up the first time the alarm went off, or some Friday night we went to a popular restaurant and there was no line. These are all things that affect us and in total give us back days, if not years, of our lives.
So what do we propose? Enjoy your Leap Day, bask in the glory of one more precious day of February, and make sure to wish everyone you see a “Happy Leap Day!” But also keep in mind that any day can be a special time.
You only get one March 1st, 2016 in your lifetime so don’t take it for granted. Each day is special, everyday we win time and we lose time; celebrate the wins and try not to panic from the losses (think: unexpected traffic). It doesn’t have to be December 25th, February 14th, or any other designated day on the calendar to have a celebration. Pick days throughout the year to be aware and celebrate for no reason other than that you are alive and here to enjoy every minute of them.